Monday, March 8, 2010

Contending with the Difficulty of Making Amends

Between me and my problem - we were entangled and confused.

Just because you want answers and validation and feel that by feeding me a continuous stream of unaccountability and confusion, does not mean that I must justify you with a response.

I would only be positioning myself and family for further ridicule as you would surely dissect my language and initiate your position of common pandemonium.  Sadly, this is the interplay among persons with a waning proficiency at being honest, humble, or realistic.
As such, I have concluded that I shall not be burdened with expending energy in a black hole of rationalization.

Does then, our avoidance of showing affection to drama, mean that it will rise again in some new stage or forum?  Probably.  Only long enough to pull some of the air out of what exists as healthy -- like fire starving for oxygen.  It sits idle behind closed doors, under latched corridors and soldered openings until...until one day a window is mistakenly, forgetfully opened and *BAM* It ignites again!

Nope. Can't have that.  Let the fire die out and don't feed it. Let it go until it breathes no life, affects no business of the current and decomposes to ash.
I suppose it comes down to the position of our focus.  Focusing on the possibilities of fallout from any situation, instead of from the vantage point of the self (not in a self-conceded way), only leads to more confusion.

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