Monday, June 7, 2010

Invested Energy of Focus

The way that I see it with my “mind’s eye” is that my brain is compartmentalized into many, colorful, and oddly-shaped boxes.  Some have trinkets of memorabilia; some have Swarovski crystals, while others are ink drawings, covered in dried flowers and decoupaged to the hilt.  They’re all representative of some mode of thought-process and are often called upon when the subject matter fits.  There is no “round peg; round hole” synapse here…it’s strictly dependent on will, emotion, energy and incredibly accurate.  The placement of each thought or engagement of activity has a reference point of subject matter in those colorful little boxes; similar to that of a cognitive card catalog.   And the point of all of this is that when something occurs and needs to be referenced, responded to, reacted on or have mental reflection, I go to what I know.  The problem exists therein.  If you’re made aware that what you know is dysfunctional - if you’re reference table is devoid of purpose any longer and if you’re effectively responded, reacted or reflected on something that has served no good purpose, how does one eliminate that strain from the brain?
             At first glance, I would assume that you would simply stop referencing that same old way of behaving and reacting.  But it’s proven that our little computerized brains create synapses of connectivity for thought by the history that we’ve engaged it to; a self-conditioning, if you will. So, then the question becomes “how does one un-condition?”  Maybe it’s like a computer disk and formatting it to erase all the old data and would-be information.  I’ve got to figure that one out – how to format my brain waves.  Not return to the same course of thought, action or process that I’ve done in the past – the ones that simply do not work.  
               I suppose that as I contemplate a new way of approaching the old and of creating new, I am engaging the new as we speak.  Don't wonder so much how to do it since you're already doing it.

After great understanding, comes relief.

To contemplate to a form of reality generates not only justification, but also a plan of engagement.

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