Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blimy (Originally Published April 2008)


And so, I’m waiting.
Don’t know how this has all contorted itself to a HUGE snake-like masquerader, but it most-certainly has become such.
I wish for the life of me that I could return to a time when things weren’t troublesome and life-sucking.
What is that, a succubus?  I know by definition it’s the form of a woman - well, in this case it would be that of a man. No, being.  Rage and conspiracy have taken the seat of what used to be a vile attempt at truth.  That poser!
(*This is your mind speaking*) "Move along; move along already."
I’m trying to!  What is it that keeps the bindings so damn tight?  There’s no blood coursing through my veins anymore - more like sewer sludge. Urgh.
Don’t have any other way to say it: "Stop using my little boy as fodder for your games!"  I didn’t place possessive terms on him before, but dammit - this time around it’s a new ball game. 
You don’t give a shit, so be it...go pollute someone else.  I’m tired of playing.

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