Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just Thinking

I feel that I have given more than enough thought to this.  It circulates around the fact that I am semi (emphasize "semi") sorry that you are in fact, lame.  There is not quite enough emphasis in your language to justify giving thoughts of you another go-'round and there is definitely not enough justification to allow your words to breathe any longer than the air they encompass when passing through your lips.

That's not all.

You are, in fact, wrong.  You do not care as deeply as a mother should.  And arrogance does not compensate for immaturity.   Nevertheless, it is not my place to pass judgment, so I am simply stating my perspective and shall leave it as such until someone else is willing to validate the truth that I see and speak.

On a day that one is willing and able to be as much of a strong person as one verbosely claims, then ...and only then, will I listen contently and move accordingly.  That. Has not happened so far. 

I stand on the accounting to one motivation only - that is truth.  Truth, (not to be confused with truth) shall set you free and in as much as I would like to assist, I cannot.  Truth can only be found through long-plodding, and sometimes sorrowful efforts as a seeker.  truth, on the other hand, is often confused with and linguistically challenged by the commonalities that bind mankind.  ( I personally feel it is the capital "T" that does it in).

and with much anticipation,

After great understanding, comes relief.

To contemplate to a form of reality generates not only justification, but also a plan of engagement.

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