Sunday, February 28, 2010

Making me Feel...

In a holding pattern again. Sometimes, it's necessary. To deliberate thoughts and feelings and properly place them where they need to go. In the context of time, I think that there's never enough to be completely satisfied with what you feel you've lost, but then again...too much when you're waiting for something else to happen.  Frelling holding-pattern. 
What we feel in many ways is a reflection of what and how we interpret another's actions and allow it to then impact our own status.  Precisely what I'm having difficulty with. Yesterday, I imploded to the degree that there was nary a dry eye in the room...they sat, single-rowed and content until I opened my mouth. And it wasn't even planned -- that "coming out" of feeling.  The time limitations didn't seem to matter because there was a rapid boil of issues all competing for attention, or at least to be verbalized.  So I spewed.  Like a geyser...and it did feel good. To let it go - part of the reason that when you impart too much thought into any subject, your thoughts become the feelings that, when they're weighed against what you're intently trying to relay, are skewed.  Jibberish that I can't seem to formalize into something constructive, but which I know IS constructive and needs to be lived through, contemplated and then brushed into the wind. For once and for good.

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