Sunday, May 3, 2009


There are certainly times when we find ourselves with the options of having either the perspective of: "Everything is perfect, I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and things will work out", OR the alternative of: "Screw this! It's not broke; I'm not fixing it!". Either direction offers a form of relief to the carrier of those thoughts and typically, the Optimist in me decides on the former with sufficient reason and that gets me through. However, as much as one might live in their mind and believe that the life surrounding them is sufficient testimony to their wants, when the reality of that life sets in and we're really nothing more than ANGRY -- something has to change.
This is the beginning of what journey I've taken and how haphazard actions have lent themselves to a greater understanding of what it means to live in Ulster County, NY. More so, what it means to have to deal with the situation that you're presented with when the facilities that have been put in place to protect you; have failed. It is not the county itself, but rather the lack of empathy toward situations that multiply themselves over and over within a given society, but that are failed to be accepted as the harborer and the protector of my situation (me) may be a slightly smarter version of your run-of-the-mill court attendee and therefore, poses a threat to that court.
Welcome to the journey as I attempt to make sense of the senseless.

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After great understanding, comes relief.

To contemplate to a form of reality generates not only justification, but also a plan of engagement.

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